

2 responses to “Just Do It.”

  1. My frustration in not being able to fit in enough hours of cycling per week led me to try running again, since running permits more exercise in a far shorter amount of time than cycling. By switching to running (or rather, adding running to my exercise regimen), I am now able exercise far more than I used to.

    Since I started running a few months ago in August, I’ve moved from a mile or two once a week up to almost 20 miles a week, including at least one 10k every week. Because I’m aggressive and impatient, almost all of my runs are fairly brisk: my 10k best is about 44 minutes right now, which I understand to be not half bad for someone who still doesn’t train very much. My next step is to build endurance through less-intense running, which I understand is how it’s supposed to be done, but I’m not sure I have the patience for that! I feel like every time I run I have to run pretty fast — not quite as fast as I can, but not at the easy pace one is supposed to take for smart endurance training. The photo above isn’t as dramatic as it seems: I merely forgot to cut my toenails for a few weeks.

    Part of the reason I train hard is that I still have so little time in which to exercise. The demands of my work still prevent me from training as much as I should: one super-late-night of work, one last-minute business trip, or one early-morning meeting can wreck my training schedule for days. Still, I am really happy to have discovered that running can fit in pretty nicely.

    I also suspect that my less-frequent blogging may be related to my running: I run in the mornings, getting up an hour or two early to give me the time I need — time I would have used in the past for blogging.

    So: Cycling, running… next step: Swimming? Triathlon?

  2. Problem: Running conflicts with blogging.

    Solution: Blog while running. Get an iPhone in June or use a mobile PDA to write up articles while jogging. Sure, this is a terrible idea, but imagine how nerdy you would look.